Easter Egg Tree
When I was little, I remember my mom blowing eggs out of their shells for scrambled eggs. She cleaned out and saved the eggs. Over a period of few weeks, she collected at least a dozen of them. We painted the eggs and made an Easter Egg tree. We had those eggs for a long, long time! I wanted to duplicate the project this year with my boys so I did a little internet research. I found a TON of great ideas!
For our tree, we went with brown eggs and muted acrylic paint. You can choose to use brown, white, or even dye them after you clean them out (I saw a picture of a beautiful tree all with dyed, robin's-egg-blue ones). I also saw someone use brightly colored plastic eggs instead of the real ones. Here are the steps we did to make our tree:
1. grasp the egg tightly in your fist, then use something small and sharp to sort of chip a hole in each side. I used a small pair of jewelry pliers. 2. Blow the egg out of the shell into a bowl. Fill the egg with water a few times (cover the holes with your fingers, shake the water around and blow it out to clean the inside).
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